Frequently Asked Questions

What products do you offer?

We sell a wide range of electronic components, from basic resistors to advanced microcontrollers, catering to all your electronic project needs.

To find products in our store, simply navigate to the Shop section via the menu. Our full catalog will be displayed for you to browse. If you’re looking for something specific, use the search bar on the Shop page to quickly locate your desired items.

We accept credit/debit cards and bank transfers through the secure Paystack payment gateway.

Absolutely, making payments on our website is safe. We employ SSL encryption to ensure robust security and protect against cyber threats.

We typically ship orders within 24 to 48 hours after they are placed.

We primarily ship products using transport companies due to high cost, with Benue Links being our preferred choice. However, if a customer requests a different carrier, we can accommodate that. Additionally, we offer the option to use logistics companies, such as GIG, although this may incur higher costs.

Yes, we proudly offer shipping to all states across Nigeria.

Yes, we offer several promotions:

  • A general 5% discount at checkout.
  • An additional 5% discount for returning customers on purchases above ₦100000

Yes, our store has a referral program where the referrer earns a 5% cashback if their referee makes a purchase over ₦100,000. This bonus is applicable once per referee and is transferred to the referrer’s account within 24hours after the referees payment has been confirmed. This does not apply for partial payments.

Yes, we accept custom orders! If you’re looking for items not currently in our store, simply reach out to our store representative via WhatsApp at +2349152082853. Make your request, and we’ll add the items to the store so you can place a backorder.

A backorder occurs when an item is not currently in stock but can be ordered. When you place a backorder, the item will be reserved for you, and it typically arrives within three weeks.

Pre-built projects are ready-made designs that you simply buy and assemble. We support partial payments as a commitment to purchase these typically more expensive items. You pay half upfront, and once we secure the item, you complete the payment to receive it. Full payment upfront is also an option.

We regret to inform you that we do not accept returns. However, rest assured that we meticulously test each component individually to ensure it is in optimal working condition before shipping.

Still have questions?

How to reach us

We’re here to help. Our customer service team is available to answer any questions you may have. Contact us through email, phone, or live chat.


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